Điều Khoản

DSV Procurement Guidelines


Through collaboration with its suppliers, Dentsu Sports Vietnam aims to address industry-wide issues and to build a sustainable supply chain that contributes to the advancement of both our clients and society.

To that end, we have formulated the Dentsu Sports Vietnam Procurement Guidelines, which are conditions that each company in our supply chain must meet. Our procurement activities are open to both domestic and international parties, but our selection of suppliers is subject to compliance with the Dentsu Sports Vietnam Procurement Guidelines.

Dialogue with suppliers

We will deepen communication with suppliers through ongoing dialogue, and work to achieve mutual understanding regarding the guidelines and related operations.

Improvement, support, corrective measures

We will monitor our suppliers to ascertain their compliance with the Dentsu Sports Vietnam Procurement Guidelines. Based on that monitoring, we will confirm the specific state of activities at our suppliers and provide support for corrective and/or improvement measures as necessary.

If, even after providing such support, we find that a supplier still fails to comply with our guidelines, we will reconsider continuing to deal with the supplier.

Dentsu Sports Vietnam will conduct fair business activities, in accordance with the Dentsu Group Code of Conduct, as well as share these guidelines with its suppliers with a view to achieving sustainable growth.

1. Corporate governance

  • The Company shall set up a system according to which it conducts sound corporate management and fulfills its social responsibilities
  • The Company shall rapidly respond to accidents and emergencies; promptly ensure a recurrence is prevented; disclose relevant information; and be fully accountable to stakeholders
  • Monitoring systems, such as a reporting desk, shall be set up for employees who are victims of discrimination or harassment, and witnesses of employee misconduct

2. Respect for human rights

  • In the hiring and treatment of employees, compliance is required with relevant laws and regulations, while international standards are to be respected
  • In the area of human rights, the Company shall respect diversity and foster a fair corporate culture, guaranteeing minimum wages and ensuring that labor management does not permit forced labor, child labor, or harassment
  • Discriminatory expressions and actions shall not be used or proposed in advertisements, other creative work, or in the provision of services
  • The Dentsu Group Human Rights Policy shall be understood and observed

3. Proper work environment

  • Every effort shall be made to create an accident-free workplace and work environment, in which all employees are able to work energetically and enjoy good health
  • The right of employees to organize shall be recognized, and the right to collective bargaining shall be respected as a means of achieving labor–management discussions on issues such as working conditions and wage levels

4. Environmental protection

  • By reducing CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions, efforts shall be made to ensure that business activities have less of an environmental impact, that biodiversity is conserved, and that measures are taken to achieve a sustainable society

5. Fair business practices

  • Efforts shall be made to comply with domestic and international laws and regulations, and to conduct fair transactions that take business practices into consideration
  • No transactions shall be undertaken with antisocial individuals or organizations; involving bribery for the purpose of obtaining or maintaining undue benefits or preferential treatment; or to give/receive benefits, monetary or otherwise, to/from any interested party
  • Intellectual and industrial property rights shall be respected, and the rights and interests of third parties shall not be infringed during planning or in the drawing up of proposals
  • Systematic, human, technical, and physical safety management mechanisms for information security shall be established to prevent the unauthorized possession, use, disclosure, or leaking of confidential information—including personal information—obtained or learned in the course of business transactions
  • Business processes shall be properly managed, with delivery made possible at prices specified and within delivery dates determined through rational and appropriate processes

6. Resolving consumer issues

  • In the conduct of business, efforts shall be made to provide consumers with proper information, take safety into consideration, and resolve consumer issues

7. Contributing to community development

  • In the conduct of business, initiatives shall be undertaken to help find solutions to urgent social issues and contribute to local community development